Todays Song in your Film im Kopf

Started by Rictus, 19. Dezember 2005, 01:07:11

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Roger Cicero - Zieh die Schuh aus

Ich bin ein Sammler, ein Jäger
ein guter Ernäherer.
Ein Schrauber, ein Dreher
ein Ganz-Früh-Aufsteher.
Ein Broker, ein Seller
ein Intellektueller.
Ein Helfer, ein Heiler
im Grunde ein Geiler.
Bin ein Schöpfer, ein Macher
Beschützer, Bewacher.
Ein Forscher, ein Retter
adretter Jetsetter.
Bestählter Don Juan,
ein Bild von einem Mann.

So steh ich vor dir, und höre dann...

Zieh die Schuh aus, bring den Müll raus,
pass aufs Kind auf, und dann räum hier auf.
Geh nicht spät aus, nicht wieder bis um eins,
verstehe was du sagst, aber nicht was du meinst.

Ich bin ein Dichter, ein Denker
ein Richter, ein Henker.
Ein Sänger, ein Lover
der Typ auf'm Cover.
Bin ein Stürmer, ein Spieler
das Vorbild so vieler.
Ein Meister, ein Sieger
die oberste Liga.
Ich versteh mich als Renner
als Könner und Kenner
als Gangster ein Bringer
ein ganz schlimmer Finger.
Der beste im Team
der Kopf vom Regime.
Funktionär, Offizier
was sagst du zu mir?

Zieh die Schuh aus, bring den Müll raus,
pass aufs Kind auf, und dann räum hier auf.
Geh nicht spät aus, nicht wieder bis um eins,
verstehe was du sagst, aber nicht was du meinst.

Zieh die Schuh aus, bring den Müll raus,
pass aufs Kind auf, und dann räum hier auf.
Geh nicht spät aus, nicht wieder bis um eins,
verstehe was du sagst

Zieh die Schuh aus, bring den Müll raus,
pass aufs Kind auf, und dann räum hier auf.
Geh nicht spät aus, nicht wieder bis um eins,
verstehe was du sagst, aber nicht was du meinst.

Ich weiss nicht was du meinst!


Cultus Ferox -Wolfsballade

Durch berstend Venen rauscht

fiebrig heiß mein Blut

Mein Blick verzehrt dich gierig

doch verbrennt in Süßer Wut

Was ist mit mir und meiner Lust

Ich folge dir ganz unbewusst

Weh mir, oh weh oh weh

Ich suche deine Näh

Ich suche deine Näh

Ich rieche deinen Duft

Ich spüre deine Angst

Mein Herz schlägt wild

Es sticht die Brust

Wenn du nach mir verlangst

Und der Mond erleuchtet hell

Die Nacht, sie wird zum Tag

Und ein Rausch aus roter Quell

In unseren Träumen lag

Und wir waren wie ein Sturm

Und flogen übers land

Leidenschaft und Schmerz

Warn uns ewig eingebrannt

Oh, zitternd Körper wehr dich nur

So lang du es vermagst

Ich still nur meinem Durst

Meinen Hunger, der mich plagt

Was ist mit mir und meiner Lust

Ich geb mich hin ganz unbewusst

Weh mir oh weh oh weh

Das ich nicht widersteh

Das ich nicht widersteh

Leidenschaftlich fühlst du

Meinen  Nackenbiss

Ein Leben in Glückseeligkeit

Ist beiden nun Gewiss

Und der Mond erleuchtet hell

Die Nacht, sie wird zum Tag

Und ein Rausch aus roter Quell

In unseren Träumen lag

Und wir waren wie ein Sturm

Und flogen übers Land  

Leidenschaft und Schmerz

Warn uns ewig eingebrannt


Nathalie Tineo - Sei so wie du bist

Sei so wie du bist!
Sei so wie du bist!
Sei in deinem Element!

Sei so wie du bist,
leb von ganzem Herzen!
Sei du selbst in jedem Moment!

Du bist manchmal wie Feuer,
bist stark und impulsiv,
brennend voller Energie!

Manchmal bist du wie Luft,
so leicht und unbeschwert
und fühlst dich unendlich frei.

Es ist wichtig,
dass du dir die Treue hältst
und immer an dich glaubst.
Es ist richtig,
dass du dich dem Leben stellst
und auf deine Stärken vertraust.


Sei so wie du bist!
Sag du liebst dein Leben,
sei in deinem Element.

Sei so wie du bist!
Leb von ganzem Herzen,
sei du selbst in jedem Moment.

ooohoooh... yeah

Bist manchmal wie die Erde,
bist treu stehst hinter mir.
Bist immer da wenn ich dich brauch.

Manchmal bist du wie Wasser,
mal sanft und auch mal wild -
rätselhaft und unberechenbar.

Es ist wichtig,
dass du Zweifel überstehst
und immer an dich glaubst.
Es ist richtig,
dass du deine Wege gehst
und auf deine Stärken vertraust.


Sei so wie du bist!
Sag du liebst dein Leben,
sei in deinem Element.

Sei so wie du bist!
Leb von ganzem Herzen,
sei du selbst in jedem Moment.


Sei so wie du bist! Sei so
sei so wie du,sei so wie du bist!
Sei du selbst in jedem Moment!


Sei so wie du bist! Sei so wie du bist!
Sag du liebst dein Leben,
sei in deinem Element. Sei in deinem Element

Sei so wie du bist!
Leb vom ganzen Herzen!
Sei du selbst in jedem Moment!

Sei in deinem Element!


btw. ich möchte Nathalie Timeo bitte demnächst wieder von meinem Handy runter haben, und wieder mehr böse Musik. ;)
Save me
or pay me
take me away or stay
if you've got money to spend
save me



Haste the Day - when everything falls

I can see it comin' on the horizon
Sky turning black, it's raining down
Can't move my feet, cannot be shaken
Not movin', I'm standing so firm
I can't be moved
I will stand
I will stand
When everything falls away
I will fight this war forever or until I die
I will stand
I will stand
When everyone falls away
I will fight this war forever or until I die
All these things coming against me
I have the choice to fall or fight
I cannot be moved
You give me the strength
Help me fight, help me fight
I'm standing so firm
I can't be moved
I'm standing so firm
I can't be moved
I will stand
I will stand
When everything falls away
I will fight this war forever
Or until I die
I will stand
I will stand
When everyone falls away
I will fight this war forever
Or until I die
And I'm standing so firm
On this ground you've sat before me
I'll fight for this with my last breath
I'll fight for this till I die
I can't be moved


Roger Cicero - Kompromisse

Du wolltest Rock und ich Stan Getz,
wir hörten Cats.
Du wolltest Gottschalk, ich wollte Sport,
wir guckten Tatort.
Du wolltest Disco und ich ins Kino,
wir landeten im Spielcasino.
Du wolltest Malediven, ich wollt mal allein,
wir blieben daheim.

Und das Geheimnis uns´res Glücks,
sind keine Kniffe, keine Tricks,
man muss halt nur zu leben wissen,
mit Kompromissen!
Vollkommenes Glück hält ewig an,
nur wenn man drauf verzichten kann.
Man muss halt gut zu leben wissen,
mit Kompromissen.

Ich wollt 'n Flitzer, du Caravan,
jetzt fahren wir Bahn.
Du wollt's nach Hamburg, ich nach Berlin,
es wurde Schwerin!
Du wolltest Kinder, ich sah keinen Grund,
es kam ein Hund.
Du wolltest ihn, er wollte nicht,
jetzt hast du mich!

Und das Geheimnis uns'res Glücks,
sind keine Kniffe, keine Tricks,
man muss halt nur zu leben wissen,
mit Kompromissen!
Vollkommenes Glück hält ewig an,
nur wenn man drauf verzichten kann.
Man muss halt gut zu leben wissen,
mit Kompromissen.

Und das Geheimnis uns'res Glücks,
sind keine Kniffe, keine Tricks,
man muss halt nur zu leben wissen,
mit Kompromissen!
Vollkommenes Glück hält ewig an,
nur wenn man drauf verzichten kann.
Man muss halt gut zu leben wissen,
mit Kompromissen.

Roger Cicero - Wenn sie dich fragt

Hey, mein Freund.
Du bist schlecht gelaunt,
deine Freundin stresst, dass kenn' ich auch,
denn Du und ich, haben eigentlich,
beide fast genau die gleiche Frau!

Und wenn Du willst, dann erklär' ich Dir gerne,
wie man sich rauslaviert, sodass alles funktioniert.

Wenn sie Dich fragt,
was Du an ihr am Liebsten magst,
dann sagst Du: "Ohh Babe, wo fang' ich an?"
Wenn sie Dich fragt,
warum Du denn der Frau da hinterher siehst,
sag:"Aus Mitleid, denn sie kommt nicht an dich ran!"
Wenn sie Dich fragt,
bei wem Du gestern Abend warst,
sag: "In Gedanken die ganze Zeit bei dir!"
Wenn sie dich fragt,
was sie heute anziehen soll, dann sag'' ihr:
"Behalt' das Lächeln an, den Rest den shoppen wir!"

Schwarz und weiß,
und auch kalt und heiß,
dass ist nicht das, was sie gerne hört!
Wenn es geht, bleibe unkonkret,
ja, denn damit machst du nichts verkehrt!

Bloß keine Fakten, Du bist schließlich nicht die Auskunft!
Sie will halt reden nur,
das ist ihre Natur!

Wenn sie Dich fragt,
was Du an ihr am Liebsten magst,
dann sagst Du: "Ohh Babe, wo fang' ich an?"
Wenn sie Dich fragt,
warum Du denn der Frau da hinterher siehst,
sag:"Aus Mitleid, denn sie kommt nicht an dich ran!"
Wenn sie Dich fragt,
bei wem Du gestern Abend warst,
sag: "In Gedanken die ganze Zeit bei dir!"
Wenn sie dich fragt,
was sie heute anziehen soll, dann sag' ihr:
"Behalt' das Lächeln an, den Rest den shoppen wir!"

Bloß keine Fakten, Du bist schließlich nicht die Auskunft!
Sie will halt reden nur,
das ist ihre Natur!

Wenn sie Dich fragt,
was Du an ihr am Liebsten magst,
dann sagst Du: "Ohh Babe, wo fang' ich an?"
Wenn sie Dich fragt,
warum Du denn der Frau da hinterher siehst,
sag:"Aus Mitleid, denn sie kommt nicht an dich ran!"
Wenn sie Dich fragt,
bei wem Du gestern Abend warst,
sag: "In Gedanken die ganze Zeit bei dir!"
Wenn sie dich fragt,
was sie heute anziehen soll, dann sag' ihr:
"Behalt' das Lächeln an, den Rest den shoppen wir!"


Mal speziell für Wölfchen und als Dankeschön für das Video :-)

Louis Armstrong - You're The Top

At words poetic, I'm so pathetic
That I always have found it best,
Instead of getting 'em off my chest,
To let 'em rest unexpressed,
I hate parading my serenading
As I'll probably missed a bar,
But if this ditty is not so pretty
At least it'll tell you
How great you are.

You're the tops!
You're the Colosseum.
You're the top!
You're the Louvre Museum.
You're a melody from a symphony by Strauss
You're a Bendel bonnet,
A Shakespeare's sonnet,
You're Mickey Mouse.
You're the Nile,
You're the Tower of Pisa,
Mamma, You're the smile on the Mona Lisa
I'm a worthless check, a total wreck, a flop,
But if, baby, I'm the bottom you're the top!

You're the top!
You're Mahatma Gandhi.
You're the top!
You're Napoleon Brandy.
You're the purple light
Of a summer night in Spain,
You're the National Gallery
You're Crosby's salary,
You're cellophane.
Mamma, You're sublime,
You're a turkey dinner,
Oh. You're the time of a Derby winner
I'm a toy balloon that's fated soon to pop
But if, baby, I'm the bottom,
You're the top!
Das Weltentor
Ein Rollenspiel-Server auf Basis von Neverwinter Nights II

Parat Flink - Schwarze Münze, Fürstenborn
Tibor "Tibby" Steinfeld - Lichtrichter, Weilersbach
Urk Frostfaust - Kommissar, Fürstenborn


Bandits - another sad song

Well I'm sitting alone
with my guitar slidly out of tune
and it's a lovely night in June.
And I try to write a song
With a happy summer melody
like I have tried so many times before
But I can't really tell you, what is wrong
but all that comes out is another sad song
maybe it's because I slept too long
and nobody called me on the phone.

Maybe I should hit town, have some fun
to smoke, talk and drink till the morning sun
maybe I should buy a brandnew dress
or learn up a usefull game like chess.

No I can't really tell you,
what is wrong
but all that comes out is another sad song
maybe it's because I slept too long
and nobody called me on the phone

Maybe I should hit town have some fun
to smoke, talk and drink till the morning sun
maybe I should buy a brandnew dress
or learn up a usefull game like chess.

Another lonely night, turns to day
with another hair of mine, turning grey
No I can't really tell you
just what is wrong, my dear,
but still what comes out is
another sad song.


The Streets - Dry your eyes

In one single moment your whole life can turn 'round
I stand there for a minute starin' straight into the ground
Lookin' to the left slightly, then lookin' back down
World feels like it's caved in – proper sorry frown
Please let me show you where we could only just be, for us
I can change and I can grow or we could adjust
The wicked thing about us is we always have trust
We can even have an open relationship, if you must
I look at her she stares almost straight back at me
But her eyes glaze over like she's lookin' straight through me
Then her eyes must have closed for what seems an eternity
When they open up she's lookin' down at her feet

Dry your eyes mate
I know it's hard to take but her mind has been made up
There's plenty more fish in the sea
Dry your eyes mate
I know you want to make her see how much this pain hurts
But you've got to walk away now
It's over

So then I move my hand up from down by my side
It's shakin', my life is crashin' before my eyes
Turn the palm of my hand up to face the skies
Touch the bottom of her chin and let out a sigh
'Cause I can't imagine my life without you and me
There's things I can't imagine doin', things I can't imagine seein'
It weren't supposed to be easy, surely
Please, please, I beg you please
She brings her hands up towards where my hands rested
She wraps her fingers round mine with the softness she's blessed with
She peels away my fingers, looks at me and then gestures
By pushin' my hand away to my chest, from hers

Dry your eyes mate
I know it's hard to take but her mind has been made up
There's plenty more fish in the sea
Dry your eyes mate
I know you want to make her see how much this pain hurts
But you've got to walk away now
It's over

And I'm just standin' there, I can't say a word
'Cause everythin's just gone
I've got nothin'
Absolutely nothin'

Tryin' to pull her close out of bare desperation
Put my arms around her tryin' to change what she's sayin'
Pull my head level with hers so she might engage in
Look into her eyes to make her listen again
I'm not gonna fuckin', just fuckin' leave it all now
'Cause you said it'd be forever and that was your vow
And you're gonna let our things simply crash and fall down
You're well out of order now, this is well out of town
She pulls away, my arms are tightly clamped round her waist
Gently pushes me back and she looks at me straight
Turns around so she's now got her back to my face
Takes one step forward, looks back, and then walks away

Dry your eyes mate
I know it's hard to take but her mind has been made up
There's plenty more fish in the sea
Dry your eyes mate
I know you want to make her see how much this pain hurts
But you've got to walk away now
It's over

I know in the past I've found it hard to say
Tellin' you things, but not tellin' straight
But the more I pull on your hand and say
The more you pull away

Dry your eyes mate
I know it's hard to take but her mind has been made up
There's plenty more fish in the sea
Dry your eyes mate
I know you want to make her see how much this pain hurts
But you've got to walk away now.
Tavanahal - der Fuchs, der Puma, das Kätzchen und ein Engel

Human Proteom Folding Project


Ich weiss ich brauch Urlaub...

Wise Guys - Sonnencremeküsse

Das Gefühl hab ich so vermisst,
wenn man vergisst, welcher Wochentag ist,
alles was zählt ist das Meer, die Sonne und Du
du liegst im Sand, bist eingedöst,
der Streß hat sich im warmen Wind aufgelöst,
du liegst einfach da, und ich schau dir zu,
Wolkenloser Himmel, danke nach oben,
Der Sprung ins kalte Wasser, in der Brandung toben,
ein unverstellter Blick, meilenweit, das ist unsere Zeit,

Sonnencremeküsse, Sand auf deiner Stirn,
das Salz vom Meer auf deiner Haut,
deine Sonnencremeküsse schmecken nach mehr,
völlig neu und völlig vertraut,
Deine Sonnencremeküsse,
Deine Sonnencremeküsse

Das Bikinitop hast du lieber weggelasssen,
ich versuch zu lesen, doch natürlich muss ich passen,
ich schiele zu dir rüber, und bin völlig verlor´n

Die fremde Sprache die ich könnte, jede Wette ,
wenn ich in der Schule besser aufgepasst hätte,
klingt auf einmal wie Musik in meinen Ohr´n

Unsre schöne Burg in den Sand gebaut,
hat die Flut geklaut, uns wurd´s am Strand zu laut,
aber zu den Dünen, is´ es nicht weit, das ist unsere Zeit,

Sonnencremeküsse, Sand auf deiner Stirn,
das Salz vom Meer auf deiner Haut,
deine Sonnencremeküsse schmecken nach mehr,
völlig neu und völlig vertraut,
Deine Sonnencremeküsse,
Deine Sonnencremeküsse, uuhh

Dududu, dudu....

Deinen Atem hören, und das Meeresrauschen,
diesen Moment würd ich mit niemandem tauschen,
für kein Geld der Welt, und ganz egal was wär,
Ich würd am liebsten hunderttausend Fotos machen,
von dir im Sand, vom Meer und deinem Lachen,
ich mache mir ein Bild in meinem Kopf und geb´s niemehr her,
Hätt ich nicht gedacht, dass es sowas gibt,
doch ich hab mich jeden Morgen neu verliebt,
in den Himmel und den Strand, und das Meer und den Sand und in dich,
und deine

Sonnencremeküsse, Sand auf deiner Stirn,
das Salz vom Meer auf deiner Haut,
deine Sonnencremeküsse schmecken nach mehr,
völlig neu und völlig vertraut,
Deine Sonnencremeküsse, Deine Sonnencremeküsse,
Deine Sonnencremeküsse, Deine Sonnencremeküsse
Save me
or pay me
take me away or stay
if you've got money to spend
save me


Dir en Grey - Ain't afraid to die

Kimi to futari de aruita ano goro no michi wa naku te
soredemo zutto aruita, itsuka kimi to aeru no kana

Nadaraka na oka no ue yuruyakani yuki ga furu
todokanai to wakattemo kimi no heya ni hitotsu
daisuki datta hana wo ima...

Kyonen saigo no yuki no hi
kataku kawashita yakusoku
omoidaseba toke dashi tenohira kara koborete

Nadaraka na oka no ue yuruyakani yuki ga furu
todokanai to wakattemo kimi no heya ni hitotsu
daisuki datta hana wo ima...

Madobe ni hitori kiride tada yuki wo mitsumeteru
kimi wo omoidashi nagara garasu goshi ni kimi wo
ukabe saigo no kuchitsuke shite...

Nee waratteyo mou nakanaide
koko kara zutto anata wo mite iru wa

Nadaraka na oka no ue yuruyakani yuki ga furu
todokanai to wakattemo kimi no heya ni hitotsu
daisuki datta hana wo ima...

Akari wa shizuka ni shiroku some yuku machi no naka
kimi ga mita saigo no kisetsu iro

Namida wo otoshita kenjitsu to wa zankoku dane
kimi ga mita saigo no kisetsu iro

Shiki to kimi no iro yagate kierou
yuki wa tokete machikado ni hana ga saki
kimi ga mita "shikisai wa" sotto tokete yuku

Kotoshi saigo no yuki no hi

Machikado ni ichirin no hana sora wo
miagereba saigo no yuki ni tenohira koborete

Und die Übersetzung:

Die Straße, die wir zurückliefen ist fort,
doch ich laufe sie dennoch weiter.

Der Schnee fällt leise auf den behutsamen Abhang,
nun bringe ich deine Lieblingsblume in deinen Raum
auch wenn ich weiß, das es dich nie erreichen wird.

Wenn ich an unser unbiegsames Versprechen erinnere
von letztem Tag des Schnees im letzten Jahr, beginnt er zu schmelzen
und von meiner Hand zu quellen.

Der Schnee fällt leise auf den behutsamen Abhang,
nun bringe ich deine Lieblingsblume in deinen Raum
auch wenn ich weiß, das es dich nie erreichen wird.

Wie ich mich erinnere, wie du den am Fenster ganz alleine beobachtest,
Ich rief dich durch das Fenster zurück und gab dir einen letzten Kuss...

Bitte lächle, höre nun zu weinen auf...
Ich werde dich immer von hier beobachten.

Der Schnee fällt leise auf den behutsamen Abhang,
nun bringe ich deine Lieblingsblume in deinen Raum
auch wenn ich weiß, das es dich nie erreichen wird.

Überall über der Stadt, leise bunt, weiß im Licht,
die letzte jahreszeitliche Farbe, die du sahst.
Du vergießt Tränen, es ist wirklich Grausam, ist es nicht?
Die letzte Jahreszeitliche Farbe, die du sahst.

Deine letzte Farbe ist endgültig mit den vier Jahreszeiten verschwunden
der Schnee schmilzt und Blumen blühen auf der Straße.
Die ,,Schatten" die du sahst schmelzen.

Der letzte Tag des Schnees dieses Jahr
(eine Blume in der Straße, wenn ich in den Himmel hinauf sah,
der letzte Schnee strömte von meiner Handfläche.)


Peter Cetera - Glory of Love

Tonight it's very clear cause we are both lying here
There's so many things I want to say
I will always love you
I would never leave you alone
Sometimes I just forget say things I might regret
It breaks my heart to see you crying
I don't want to lose you
I could never make it alone

I am a man who will fight for your honor
I'll be the hero, you're dreaming of
We'll live forever, knowing together
That we did it all for the glory of love

You keep me standing tall
You help me through it all
I'm always strong when you're beside me
I have always needed you
I could never make it alone

I am a man who will fight for your honor
I'll be the hero, you been dreaming of
We'll live forever, knowing together
That we did it all for the glory of love

Just like a knight in shining armor
From a long time ago
Just in time I will see the day
Take you to my castle far away

I am a man who will fight for your honor
I'll be the hero that you're dreaming of
We gonna live forever, knowing together
That we did it all for the glory of love

We'll live forever, knowing together
We did it all for the glory of love

We did it all for love.........


Blind Guardian - The Soulforged

I'm not insane
That's how it seems though
Spiteful, cruel but wise
Beyond his age
My body fails
My soul will rise
The end of life's immortalized disease and agony
And I see death through golden eyes
Beyond the door there's something more
It seems there's just one way

On through the heat
I've felt the touch of evil
I still feel
The icy claw in me

For a decent price
I've banned kindness from my heart
The spirit of all truth and beauty
Pawned for my desire

And from the flames, as chance would have it
The Soulforged will come into light
And from the flames, as chance would have it
The Soulforged, the stainless will rise

I will never change my mind
I will leave it all behind

And through the hour glass
Everything's grey
Everyone's pale
No colour nor beauty will enlighten my heart
The seat of life's empty and cold
Cadaverous you all seem to me
Stillborn but you're still alive
You're still alive

Truth lies in loneliness
When hope is long gone by
I'll wipe out the bliss of the new age
And welcome you precious night


From a distant time
Voices echo in the hall
"Come and join us enter life and"
Everything is gone now

And through the looking glass
I still fear mortality and
It's loss in the end
Unlimited power in my hands
The claw of the dragon ascends
"Mourn for his lost soul
He's cursed and condemned"

Each step I take
May it hurt, may it ache
Leads me further away from the past
But as long as I breathe
Each smile on my bleak face
I'm on my way to find
Back to the Peace of mind


I will never change my mind
I will leave it all behind

Wie ich das Lied liebe *führt einen zwergischen Balztanz auf*
~ Abi in pace ~


Celine Dion & RKelly - I'm your Angel

No mountain's too
high for you to climb
All you have to do is have some climbing faith (oh yeah)
No river's too wide for you to make it across
All you have to do is believe it when you pray

And then you will see the morning will come
And every day will be bright as the sun
All of your fears cast them on me
I just want you to see

I'll be your cloud up in the sky
I'll be your shoulder when you cry
I'll hear your voices when you're calling
I am your angel
And when all hope is gone I'm here
No matter how far you are I'm near
It makes no difference who you are
I am your angel
I'm your angel

I saw your teardrops and I heard you cry
All you need is time
Seek me and you shall find
You have everything and you're still lonely
It don't have to be this way
Let me show you a better day

And then you will see the morning will come
And all of your days will be bright as the sun
So all of your fears just cast them on me
how can I make you see?

And when it's time to face the storm
I'll be there by your side
This place will keep us safe and warm
And I know we will survive
And when it seems as if forever's drawing near
(the end is drawing near)
Don't you dare give up the fight
Just put your trust beyond the sky

Chorus ( 3x ) [/b]


Ich hab es in meiner CD-Sammlung gefunden..und muss sagen: immernoch klasse :D

The Cardigans - Lovefool

Dear, I fear we're facing a problem
You love me no longer, I know
And maybe there is nothing that I can do
To make you do

Mama tells me I shouldn't bother
That I ought to stick to another man
A man that surely deserves me
But I think you do!

So I cry, I pray and I beg

Love me love me
Say that you love me
Fool me fool me
Go on and fool me
Love me love me
Pretend that you love me
Leave me leave me
Just say that you need me
So I cry and I beg for you to
Love me love me
Say that you love me
Leave me leave me
Just say that you need me
I can't care 'bout anything but you...

Lately I have desperately pondered,
Spent my nights awake and I wonder
What I could have done in another way
To make you stay
Reason will not lead to solution
I will end up lost in confusion
I don't care if you really care
As long as you don't go

So I cry, I pray and I beg

Love me love me
Say that you love me
Fool me fool me
Go on and fool me
Love me love me
Pretend that you love me
Leave me leave me
Just say that you need me
So I cry and I beg for you to
Love me love me
Say that you love me
Leave me leave me
Just say that you need me
I can't care 'bout anything but you...

Love me love me
Say that you love me
Fool me fool me
Go on and fool me
Love me love me

I can't care 'bout anything but you...


Aimee Mann - Save me

You look like
A perfect fit
For a girl in need
Of a tourniquet

But can you save me
Come on and save me
If you could save me
From the ranks
Of the freaks
Who suspect
The could never love anyone

'Cause I can tell
You know what it's like
The long farewell
Of a hunger strike

But can you save me
Come on and save me
If you could save me
From the ranks
Of the freaks
Who suspect
They could never love anyone

You struck me dumb
Like radium
Like Peter Pan
Or Superman
You will come

To save me
Come on and save
If you could save me
From the ranks
Of the freaks
Who suspect
They could never love anyone

I said the freaks
Who suspect
They could never love anyone

Said the freaks
Who suspect
They could never love anyone

Come on and save
Why don't you save me
From the ranks
Of the freaks
Who suspect
They could never love anyone

Except the freaks
Who suspect
They could never love anyone

Except the freaks
They could never love anyone


RhC P.E.P.P.E.R.S.


Come to decide that the things that I tried
were in my life just to get high on.

When I sit alone, come get a little known
but I need more than myself this time.

Step from the road to the sea to the sky, and I do believe what we rely on

when I lay it on,
come get to play it on
all my life to sacrifice.

Hey oh...listen what I say oh
I got your hey oh, now listen what I say oh

When will I know that I really can't go
to the well once more time to decide on.

When it's kiliing me,
when will I really see,
all that I need to look inside.

Come to belive that I better not leave before I get my chance to ride,

when it's killing me,
what do I really need
all that I need to look inside.

Hey oh...listen what I say oh
come back and hey oh, look at what I say oh

The more I see the less I know
The more I like to let it go - hey oh, woah...

Deep beneath the cover of another perfect wonder
where it's so white as snow,

Privately divided by a world so undecided and there's nowhere to go;

In between the cover of another perfect wonder
where it's so white as snow,

running through a field where all my tracks will
be concealed and there's nowhere to go.
Went to descend to ammend for a friend
All the channels that have broken down.

Now you bring it up,
I'm gonna ring it up,
Just to hear you sing it out.

Step from the road to the sea to the sky,
and I do belive what we rely on,

when I lay it on,
come get to play it on
all my life to sacrifice

Hey oh...Listen what I say oh
I got your hey oh...listen what I say oh

The more I see, the less I know
The more I like to let it go - hey oh woah...

Deep beneath the cover of another perfect wonder
where it's so white as snow.

Privately divided by a world so undecided and there's nowhere to go

In between the cover of another perfect wonder
where it's so white as snow

Running through the field where all my tracks will
be concealed and there's nowhere to go.

I said hey hey yeah oh yeah, tell my love now.
Hey hey yeah oh yeah, tell my love now.

Deep Beneath the cover of another perfect wonder where it's so white as snow,

privately divided by a world so undecided and there's nowhere to go.

Deep Beneath the cover of another perfect wonder where it's so white as snow...

Running through the field where all my tracks will be concealed and there's nowhere to go.

I said hey oh yeah oh yeah..tell my love now
Hey yeah yeah...oh yeah.
Herbert: kleiner Schwarzer mit bayrischen Wurzeln.....^^


Da das gerade mal wieder hier parallel in meiner MP3-Playliste lief, dachte ich mir, ich könnte es auch einmal hier posten. Der Original-Text zu dem Lied, das ich mit Jeanne auf dem Frühlingsfest gespielt habe:

Mercedes Lackey - Dark and Stormy Night

It was a dark and stormy night - or so the Heralds say -
The lightning striking constantly transformed the night to day,
The thunder roared the castle round - or thusly runs the tale -
And, rising from the northeast tower there came a fearful wail.

It was no beast nor banshee, that, the castle folk knew well,
Nor prisoner in agony, nor demon trapped by spell,
No ghost that moaned in penance, nor a soul in mortal fright,
´Twas just the Countess "singing" - for she practiced every night.

The Countess was convinced that she should have been born a Bard,
And thus she made the lives of those within her power hard.
For they must listen to her sing, and smile at what they heared,
And swear she had a golden voice that rivaled any bird.

The Countess was convinced that she had wedded ´neath her state.
And so the worst lot fell upon her meek and mild mate.
Not only must the Count each night endure her every song,
But suffer silent her abuse, be blamed for every wrong.

It was a dark and stormy night - or so the Bards aver -
And so perhaps that was the reason why there was no stir,
When suddenly the "music" ceased; so when dawn raised his head,
Within the tower the servants found the Countess stiff and dead.

The Heralds came at once to judge if there had been foul play,
And questioned all most carefully to hear what they would say.
And one fact most astounding to them quickly came to light -
That every movement of the Count was vouched for on that night.

The castle folk by ones and twos came forward on their own,
To swear the Count had never once that night been all alone.
So though the Tower had been locked tight, with two keys to the door,
One his, one hers, the Count was plain absolved of guilt for sure.

At length the Heralds then pronounced her death as suicide.
And all within the district voiced themselves quite satisfied.
It was a verdict, after all, that none wished to refute -
Though no one could imagine why she tried to eat her lute.
Gwendolyn Lilienblatt: The Tenth Muse (Synchro: Yui Horie); Loss of Me FF9
Jeanne Boucherat: The Coquette (Synchro: Renée O'Connor); Eyes on me FF8
Araza'shasehnae: The Lady of Shalott (Synchro: Mira Furlan); Aerith's Theme FF7
Ranja: The Jungle Books (Synchro: Eliza Dushku); Cosmo Canyon FF7


Blind Guardian - Another Stranger Me

A seed of doubt
It exists
A glimpse of life
From somewhere deep within
Awake and understand

Is there anyone else here?
Somebody's screaming
Please help me
Let's find out now
That I am not dreaming
Here it comes the real me

I didn't know
I couldn't hear the answer
My mind was blank
I should have know
I hold it back but somehow
There is someone else
Another stranger me
Another stranger me

When the ice
Will break away

I can't get out of here
Cause none of my keys
Fit the door
There's fear and anger
Hate and love
I must confess
It's out of hand

It's physic
It's cynic
Still cynic
All my laughter

If there's anyone in
It soon will be over
We'll burn out
Our soul's a flamed
And we're on our own now
Give up you cruel invasion
You're insane I'll show you

I didn't know
I couldn't hear the answer
My mind was blank
I should have know
I hold it back but somehow
There is someone else
Another stranger me

Out and gone
Can't resist
Cold and sore
The bolt of pain
Keeps ripping through my head
I can take no more

Don't tell anyone else but I
Do not believe her
She hate me
I cloud my mind
She's a deceiver
I can feel cruel vibrations
Would you like to meet me

I didn't know
I couldn't hear the answer
My mind was blank
I should have know
I hold it back but somehow
There is someone else
Another stranger me
Another stranger me
~ Abi in pace ~


Carole King - You've got a friend

When you're down and troubled
And you need some loving care
And nothing, nothing is going right
Close your eyes and think of me
And soon I will be there
To brighten up even your darkest night

You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
I'll come running to see you again
Winter, spring, summer or fall
All you have to do is call
And I'll be there
You've got a friend

If the sky above you
Grows dark and full of clouds
And that old north wind begins to blow
Keep your head together
And call my name out loud
Soon you'll hear me knocking at your door

You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
I'll come running to see you
Winter, spring, summer or fall
All you have to do is call
And I'll be there

Ain't it good to know that you've got a friend
When people can be so cold
They'll hurt you, and desert you
And take your soul if you let them
Oh, but don't you let them

You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
I'll come running to see you again
Winter, spring, summer or fall
All you have to do is call
And I'll be there
You've got a friend
Oh I come from a land, from a faraway place,
Where the caravan camels roam.
Where they cut off your ear,
If they don't like your face.
It's barbaric, but hey, it's home


Weilsch ja ne wascheschte Rheinländerin bin..  :D  Ich komm zwar nit us Kölle, aba wat solls :lol:

Weil ich ein Kölner bin

Du fragst, warum ich scheinbar immer
gute Laune habe.
Du fragst, warum ich nie schnell renne,
sondern lieber trabe.
Du fragst, warum ich's leichter find',
'nen Gang zurück zu schalten,
als Termine einzuhalten...
Du fragst, warum ich manchmal viel erzähl'
und wenig sage.
Du fragst, warum ich samstags rot-und-weiße
Sachen trage
und warum es mir leicht fällt,
auch mal über MICH zu lachen.
Du fragst ziemlich viele Sachen...

Doch es gibt keinen tief'ren Sinn
es ist nur weil ich ein Kölner bin.
Nimm es einfach hin
es ist nur, weil ich ein Kölner bin.

Du fragst, warum ich manchmal wie ein
Italiener wirke
und plötzlich wieder in mir selber ruhe
wie 'ne Birke,
warum ich's mag, mein Bier aus
Reagenzgläsern zu trinken
manchmal ohne abzuwinken...
Du fragst, warum ich ganz und gar komplett
am Leben klebe.
Du fragst, warum ich gerne leben lasse
und gern lebe.
Du fragst, warum ich glaube,
dass noch immer alles gut geht,
solange nur der Dom steht...

Doch es gibt keinen tief'ren Sinn
es ist nur weil ich ein Kölner bin.
Nimm es einfach hin
es ist nur, weil ich ein Kölner bin.
Immer mittendrin.
Weil ich ein Kölner bin.

Du fragst, warum ich noch nie lange
von zu Hause weg war
und auch im Urlaub ungern länger als
drei Wochen wegfahr'.
Du fragst, warum ich mich im Frühjahr
albern kostümiere
und mich dafür noch nicht mal
in der Straßenbahn geniere...

Doch es gibt keinen tief'ren Sinn...

Ach ja..und das ist so toll:

Wenn ich ens nit mih existiere,
wenn ich die Auge zojedonn.
Wenn ich mich bovve präsentiere,
janz hoch am Himmelspöötzje stonn.
Dann soll d'r Petrus dat schon maache,
hä sök d'r schönste Platz mir us.
Hä weiß et jitt dann jet ze laache:
ich bin en Kölle am Ring zehus.


Gwendolyn's Creek-Soundtrack macht mal wieder einen kleinen Flashback zu Staffel 3, vielleicht erinnert sich ja jemand. 8)

Gloria Gaynor - I will survive

First I was afraid
I was petrified
Kept thinking I could never live
without you by my side
But I spent so many nights
thinking how you did me wrong
I grew strong
I learned how to carry on
and so you're back
from outer space
I just walked in to find you here
with that sad look upon your face
I should have changed my stupid lock
I should have made you leave your key
If I had known for just one second
you'd be back to bother me

Go on now go walk out the door
just turn around now
'cause you're not welcome anymore
weren't you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye
you think I'd crumble
you think I'd lay down and die
Oh no, not I
I will survive
as long as i know how to love
I know I will stay alive
I've got all my life to live
I've got all my love to give
and I'll survive
I will survive

It took all the strength I had
not to fall apart
kept trying hard to mend
the pieces of my broken heart
and I spent oh so many nights
just feeling sorry for myself
I used to cry
Now I hold my head up high
and you see me
somebody new
I'm not that chained up little person
still in love with you
and so you felt like dropping in
and just expect me to be free
now I'm saving all my loving
for someone who's loving me

Go on now go walk out the door
just turn around now
'cause you're not welcome anymore
weren't you the one who tried to break me with goodbye
Did you think I'd crumble
Did you think I'd lay down and die
Oh no, not I
I will survive
Oh as long as i know how to love
I know I will stay alive
I've got all my life to live
I've got all my love to give
and I'll survive
I will survive
Gwendolyn Lilienblatt: The Tenth Muse (Synchro: Yui Horie); Loss of Me FF9
Jeanne Boucherat: The Coquette (Synchro: Renée O'Connor); Eyes on me FF8
Araza'shasehnae: The Lady of Shalott (Synchro: Mira Furlan); Aerith's Theme FF7
Ranja: The Jungle Books (Synchro: Eliza Dushku); Cosmo Canyon FF7


Grad auf Pro7 den Film gesehn..Tolle Songs, super gemacht der Film  :) sweeeet :wink:

High School Musical - Start of Something New

Living in my own world
Didn't understand
That anything can happen
When you take a chance
I never believed in
What I couldn't see
I never opened my heart
To all the possibilities
I know that something has changed
Never felt this way
And right here tonight

This could be the start
Of something new
It feels so right
To be here with you
And now looking in your eyes
I feel in my heart
The start of something new

Now who'd of ever thought that
We'd both be here tonight
And the world looks so much brighter
With you by my side
I know that something has changed
Never felt this way
I know it for real

This could be the start
Of something new
It feels so right
To be here with you
And now looking in your eyes
I feel in my heart
The start of something new

I never knew that it could happen
Till it happened to me
I didn't know it before
But now it's easy to see

It's a start
Of something new
It feels so right
To be here with you
And now looking in your eyes
I feel in my heart

That it's the start
Of something new
It feels so right
To be here with you
And now looking in your eyes
I feel in my heart
The start of something new
Start of something new


Ein MUSS! ;)

Dirty Dancing - Hungry Eyes

I've been meaning to tell you
I've got this feelin' that won't subside
I look at you and I fantasize
You're mine tonight
Now I've got you in my sights

With these hungry eyes
One look at you and I can't disguise
I've got hungry eyes Eyes
I feel the magic between you and I

I wanna hold you so hear me out
I wanna show you what love's all about
Darlin' tonight
Now I've got you in my sights

With these hungry eyes
One look at you and I can't disguise
I've got hungry eyes
I feel the magic between you and I
I've got hungry eyes
Now I've got you in my sights
With those hungry eyes
Now did I take you by my surprise

I need you to see
This love was meant to be


I've got hungry eyes
One look at you and I can't disguise
I've got hungry eyes
I feel the magic between you and I
I've got hungry eyes
Now I've got you in my sights
With those hungry eyes Eyes
Now did I take you by surprise
With my hungry eyes
I need...
Hungry eyes
Now I've got you in my sights
With my hungry eyes


Oh ha mein Lieblingsthread in jedem Forum^^

Entfache dieses Feuer

Ich seh' ein kleines Mädchen betteln
Und ich drehe mich herum
Ich seh' den Himmel weinen
Und frage mich warum
Ich sehe Flüsse voller Tränen
Seen voller Leid
Meere voller Dummheit
Was ist los mit dieser Zeit

Was ist los mit uns
Ich kann uns nicht versteh'n
Reich mir Deine Hand
Laß uns träumen geh'n

Laß uns fliegen schöne Sehnsucht
Näher an unsere Träume
Laß uns wieder atmen
Laß uns wieder seh'n
Entfache dieses Feuer
In mir dieses Feuer
Und nichts als dieser Traum wird wahr
Ein Traum so fern und doch so nah

Es ist nicht grad' berauschend
Was ich hier seh'
Ich seh' die Bullen töten Schwarze
In L.A.
Ich seh' den Krieg in Jugoslawien
Den Haß in unserem Land
Wenn ihr etwas ändern wollt
Fangt bei euch an

Das hier ist euer Erbe
Doch wenn's euch nicht gefällt
Dann werdet bessere Menschen
Und ihr kriegt 'ne bessere Welt

Laß uns fliegen schöne Sehnsucht
Näher an unsere Träume
Laß uns wieder atmen
Laß uns wieder seh'n
Entfache dieses Feuer
In mir dieses Feuer
Und nichts als dieser Traum wird wahr
Ein Traum so fern und doch so nah
Mara Álahandur - Schwert und Stimme Elrias
Nicos Heldion - Angehender Parfumeur
Lucas Neldathar - Vom Pfad abgekommen
Lyria Pfauenschweif - Gefiederte Quasselstrippe
"We always take from one another, and never start to wonder, how it feels from the otherside"


High School Musical - When there was me and you

It's funny when you find yourself
Looking from the outside
I'm standing here but all I want
Is to be over there
Why did I let myself believe
Miracles could happen
Cause now I have to pretend
That I don't really care

I thought you were my fairytale
A dream when I'm not sleeping
A wish upon a star
Thats coming true
But everybody else could tell
That I confused my feelings with the truth
When there was me and you

I swore I knew the melody
That I heard you singing
And when you smiled
You made me feel
Like I could sing along
But then you went and changed the words
Now my heart is empty
I'm only left with used-to-be's
Once upon a song

Now I know your not a fairytale
And dreams were meant for sleeping
And wishes on a star
Just don't come true
Cause now even I can tell
That I confused my feelings with the truth
Cause I liked the view
When there was me and you

I can't believe that
I could be so blind
It's like you were floating
While I was falling
And I didn't mind

Cause I liked the view
Thought you felt it too
When there was me and you


Westernhagen - Ich bin wieder hier

Ich hab Dich wirklich lieb, wenn es so etwas gibt.
Ich hab Dich wirklich lieb, in meinen Träumen.
Ich find Dich wunderschön, zu schön um zu verstehn.
Das alles mal vergeht, in meinen Träumen.

Ich bin wieder hier, in meinem Revier,
war nie wirklich weg, hab mich nur versteckt.
Ich rieche den Dreck, ich atme tief ein
und dann bin ich mir sicher, wieder zu Hause zu sein.

Ich hab Dich wirklich lieb, auch wenn ich Dir nie schrieb
und Dich verleugnet hab, in meinen Träumen.
Wenn Du vergessen kannst, alles vergessen kannst,
dann schenk mir diesen Tanz, ich will nichts versäumen.

Ich bin wieder hier, in meinem Revier,
war nie wirklich weg, hab mich nur versteckt.
Ich rieche den Dreck, ich atme tief ein
und dann bin ich mir sicher, wieder zu Hause zu sein.

hm hm hm hm hm

Ich bin wieder hier, in meinem Revier,
war nie wirklich weg, hab mich nur versteckt.
Ich rieche den Dreck, ich atme tief ein
und dann bin ich mir sicher, wieder zu Hause zu sein.

Ich bin wieder da, noch immer ein Star,
noch immer ein Held, für kein Geld der Welt.
War nie wirklich weg, hab mich nur versteckt
und eines ist sicher, ich geh nie wieder weg.
Ich bin wieder hier.

Ich weiß, pathetisch und tränendrüsendrückerisch, aber hey... es geht mir grad so...
Mein Lieblingswein: Rheinhessen Fiesling
Bandu Raeravar Lencalladae Süßzahn Riesentöter Gerrick: Der Name wird gekürzt *schnüff*
Sylar Melanthios: Haus der Schmerzen


Dann müssen wir dieses Gefühl doch gleich unterstützen.

Vorsicht Schmalz!

Take That - Back for Good

I guess now it's time for me to give up
I feel it's time
Got a picture of you beside me
Got your lipstick mark still on your coffee cup - oh yeah.
Got a fist of pure emotion
Got a head of shattered dreams
Gotta leave it, gotta leave it all behind now.

Whatever I said, whatever I did I didn't mean it
I just want you back for good
Want you back, want you back,
want you back for good.
Whenever I'm wrong just tell me the song and I'll sing it
You'll be right and understood
Want you back, want you back,
want you back for good.

Unaware but underlined I figured out the story - no, no
It wasn't good, no, no
But in the corner of my mind I celebrated glory
But that was not to be
In the twist of separation you excelled at being free
Can't you find a little room inside for me -

Whatever I said, whatever I did I didn't mean it
I just want you back for good
Want you back, want you back,
want you back for good.
Whenever I'm wrong just tell me the song and I'll sing it
You'll be right and understood
Want you back, want you back,
want you back for good.

And we'll be together, this time is forever
We'll be fighting and forever we will be
So complete in our love
We will never be uncovered again.

Whatever I said, whatever I did I didn't mean it
I just want you back for good
Want you back, want you back,
want you back for good.
Whenever I'm wrong just tell me the song and I'll sing it
You'll be right and understood
Want you back, want you back,
want you back for good.

I guess now it's time that you came back for good.
Save me
or pay me
take me away or stay
if you've got money to spend
save me


dazu passt ja auch das hier  :wink:

Take That - Never forget

We've come a long way
But we're not too sure where we've been
We've had success, we've had good times
But remember this

Been on this path of life for so long
Feel I've walked a thousand miles
Sometimes strolled hand in hand with love
Everybody's been there
With danger on my mind I would stand on the line of hope
I knew I could make it
Once I knew the boundaries I looked into the clouds and saw
My face in the moonlight
Just then I realised what a fool I could be
Just 'cause I look so high I don't have to see me
Finding a paradise wasn't easy but still
There's a road going down the other side of this hill

Never forget where you're coming from
Never pretend that it's all real
Someday soon this will all be someone else's dream
This will be someone else's dream

Been safe from the arms of disappointment for so long
Feel each day we've come too far
Yet each day seems to make much more
Sure is good to be here
I understand the meaning of "I can't explain this feeling"
Now that it feels so unreal
At night I see the hand that reminds me of the stand that I make
The fact of reality

Never forget where you're coming from
Never pretend that it's all real
Someday soon this will all be someone else's dream
This will be someone else's dream

We've come so far and we've reached so high
And we've looked each day and night in the eye
And we're still so young and we hope for more
But remember this
We're not invincible, we're not invincible, no
We're only people, we're only people
Hey we're not invincible, we're not invincible

So again I'll tell you
Never forget where you're coming from
Never pretend that it's all real
Someday soon this will all be someone else's dream
This will be someone else's dream

Never forget
Never pretend that it's all real
Someday soon this will all be someone else's dream
This will be someone else's dream

Everybody sing
No never, never forget oh no
Tavanahal - der Fuchs, der Puma, das Kätzchen und ein Engel

Human Proteom Folding Project


Avenue Q - Purpose

It’s that little flame
That lights a fire
Under your ass.

It keeps you going strong
Like a car with a full
Tank of gas.

Everyone else has a purpose,
So what’s mine?
Oh look. Here’s a penny.
It’s from the year I was born.
It’s a sign!

Ha! Ba ba ba ba doo doo doo doo doo.

I don’t know how I know,
But I’m gonna find my purpose.
I don’t know where I’m gonna look,
But I’m gonna find my purpose.
Gotta find out.
Don’t wanna wait.
Got to make sure that my life will be great.
Gotta find my purpose.
Before it’s too late.

He’s gonna find his purpose.

Whoa ooh oh.

[Princeton and Ensemble:]
I’m [He’s] gonna find my [his] purpose.

He’s gonna find his purpose.

Yeaaah yeah yea.

[Princeton and Ensemble:]
I’m [He’s] gonna find my [his] purpose.

Could be far.
Could be near.
Could take a week
A month
A year
At a job.
Or smoking grass. Ha!
Maybe at a pottery class.
Could it be?
Yes it could.
Something’s coming.
Something good.
I’m gonna find my purpose.

You’re gonna find your purpose.

Whoa ooh oh.
I’m gonna find it!
What will it be? Where will it be?
My purpose in life is a mystery.
Gotta find my purpose. Gotta find me.
Gwendolyn Lilienblatt: The Tenth Muse (Synchro: Yui Horie); Loss of Me FF9
Jeanne Boucherat: The Coquette (Synchro: Renée O'Connor); Eyes on me FF8
Araza'shasehnae: The Lady of Shalott (Synchro: Mira Furlan); Aerith's Theme FF7
Ranja: The Jungle Books (Synchro: Eliza Dushku); Cosmo Canyon FF7


Ein melancholischer Reisender stoppt, angelockt von einer schönen Frau, bei einem abgelegenen Hotel und beschließt, dort zu übernachten. Die Hotelbewohner bilden eine eingeschworene Gemeinschaft; obwohl sie gastfreundlich erscheinen, sind sie Gefangene ihrer Süchte, denen sie bedingungslos nachgehen. Unter der Aufsicht eines "Meisters" lebend, sind sie geistig dem Jahre 1969 verhaftet und möglicherweise sogar Kannibalen. Wer das Hotel California einmal betreten hat, kann es nie wieder verlassen. Im Keller des Hotels haust eine Bestie, auf die fortwährend eingestochen wird, allerdings niemals getötet wird.

The Eagles - Hotel California

On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
I had to stop for the night
There she stood in the doorway;
I heard the mission bell
And I was thinking to myself,
this could be heaven or this could be hell
Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way
There were voices down the corridor,
I thought I heard them say...

Welcome to the hotel california
Such a lovely place
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the hotel california
Any time of year, you can find it here

Her mind is tiffany-twisted, she got the mercedes bends
She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys, that she calls friends
How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat.
Some dance to remember, some dance to forget

So I called up the captain,
please bring me my wine
He said, we havent had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nine
And still those voices are calling from far away,
Wake you up in the middle of the night
Just to hear them say...

Welcome to the hotel california
Such a lovely place
Such a lovely face
They livin it up at the hotel california
What a nice surprise, bring your alibis

Mirrors on the ceiling,
The pink champagne on ice
And she said we are all just prisoners here, of our own device
And in the masters chambers,
They gathered for the feast
The stab it with their steely knives,
But they just cant kill the beast

Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before
relax, said the night man,
We are programmed to receive.
You can checkout any time you like,
But you can never leave!
Save me
or pay me
take me away or stay
if you've got money to spend
save me


Mein Songs beim RP mit Lillee ;)

Dirty Dancing -Hungry Eyes

I've been meaning to tell you
I've got this feelin' that won't subside
I look at you and I fantasize
You're mine tonight
Now I've got you in my sights

With these hungry eyes
One look at you and I can't disguise
I've got hungry eyes Eyes
I feel the magic between you and I

I wanna hold you so hear me out
I wanna show you what love's all about
Darlin' tonight
Now I've got you in my sights

With these hungry eyes
One look at you and I can't disguise
I've got hungry eyes
I feel the magic between you and I
I've got hungry eyes
Now I've got you in my sights
With those hungry eyes
Now did I take you by my surprise

I need you to see
This love was meant to be


I've got hungry eyes
One look at you and I can't disguise
I've got hungry eyes
I feel the magic between you and I
I've got hungry eyes
Now I've got you in my sights
With those hungry eyes Eyes
Now did I take you by surprise
With my hungry eyes
I need...
Hungry eyes
Now I've got you in my sights
With my hungry eyes

HighSchool Musical - Start of something new

Livin' in my own world
Didn't understand
That anything can happen
When you take a chance

I never believed in ahhh
What I couldn't see
I never opened my heart
To all the possibilities, ohhhh

I know....
That somethin' has changed
Never felt this way
And right here tonight
This could be the....

Start of something new
It feels so right
To be here with you...oh
And now, lookin' in your eyes
I feel in my heart
Feel in my heart
The start of something new
Ohhhh, yeah

Now, who'd of ever thought
We'd both be here tonight... yeah
Oh yeah, and the world looks so much brighter
Brighter, brighter
Oh, with you by my side
By my side
I know...that somethin' has changed
Never felt this way
I know it's for real
This could be the...

Start of somethin' new
It feels so right to be here with you...oh
And now...lookin' in your eyes
I feel in my heart
The start of somethin' new

I never knew that it could happen
'Til it happened to me
Ohhhh, yeah
I didn't know it before
But now it's easy to see

It's the start of something new
It feels so right to be here with you...oh
And now...lookin' in your eyes
I feel in my heart
That it's the start
Of something new
It feels so right
So right
To be here with you, ohhh
And now looking in your eyes
Looking in your eyes
I feel in my heart
Feel in my heart
The start of something new
Start of something new
Start of something new


"... and listen to country music - the music of pain..." Naja, Xander Harris hat halt nicht immer recht. :)

Big & Rich - Comin' To Your City

Well we're comin to your city
Gonna play our guitars and sing you a country song
We'll all be flyin higher than a jet air liner
And if you want a little bang in your ying yang come along

Well we flew through Cincinnati
And we all got really happy
Grabbed a bowl of that Skyline Chili along the way
Then we rolled on into Canton
Scared the hell out of Marilyn Manson
And the party started happenin
Hey hey hey

Then in the middle of a Charleston night
We ran into Jesco White
And a little moonshine got us right plum smacked insane

Well we're comin to your city
Gonna play our guitars and sing you a country song
We'll all be flyin higher than a jet air liner
And if you want a little bang in your ying yang come along

Well we broke down in Greenville
In the middle of a hayfield
But a Bud Light truck pulled up and helped us out

So we then headed up to Philly
Partied down like real hillbillies
Brought the Music Mafia
And rocked it out

And Chippewa's where we go
When we're up in Buffalo
Don't you know those yankees drink enough to DROWN

Well we're comin to your city
Gonna play our guitars and sing you a country song
We'll all be flyin higher than a jet air liner
And if you want a little bang in your ying yang come along

Listen up
Now LA's got the freaks
At Pink's and 15 dollar drinks
And San Antonio was a wild wild rodeo

And then Phoenix, Arizona
We drank way too much Corona
And we woke up by the river
In Jeff City, MO

Well we're comin to your city
Gonna play our guitars and sing you a country song
We'll all be flyin higher than a jet air liner
And if you want a little bang in your ying yang come along

Yeah, yeah
We're comin to your city
We're gonna play our guitars and sing you a country song
We'll all be flyin higher than a jet air liner
And if you want a little bang in your ying yang
If you wanna little zing in your zang zang
If you wanna little ting in your tang tang
Come along, come along, come along, come along

Yeah, we're comin to your city
Mein Lieblingswein: Rheinhessen Fiesling
Bandu Raeravar Lencalladae Süßzahn Riesentöter Gerrick: Der Name wird gekürzt *schnüff*
Sylar Melanthios: Haus der Schmerzen


Kleiner Nachtrag zu meinem Posting mit "Purpose" von Avenue Q ein wenig drüber: Ich habe nämlich eben gerade das Video dazu gefunden und .. konnte nicht widerstehen, es gerade hier nochmal zu posten.
Gwendolyn Lilienblatt: The Tenth Muse (Synchro: Yui Horie); Loss of Me FF9
Jeanne Boucherat: The Coquette (Synchro: Renée O'Connor); Eyes on me FF8
Araza'shasehnae: The Lady of Shalott (Synchro: Mira Furlan); Aerith's Theme FF7
Ranja: The Jungle Books (Synchro: Eliza Dushku); Cosmo Canyon FF7


Weil es irgendwie gerade in die Stimmung meines Umfeld paßt, mal wieder ein Lied aus Avenue an das ich in so Momenten immer denken muß:

Avenue Q - For Now

Why does everything have to be so hard?

Maybe you'll never find your purpose.

Lots of people don't.

But then- I don't know why I'm even alive!

Well, who does, really?
Everyone's a little bit unsatisfied.

Everyone goes 'round a little empty inside.

Take a breath,
Look around,

Swallow your pride,

For now...

For now...

Nothing lasts,

Life goes on,

Full of surprises.

You'll be faced with problems of all shapes and sizes.

You're going to have to make a few compromises...
For now...

For now...

But only for now! (For now)
Only for now! (For now)
Only for now! (For now)
Only for now!

For now we're healthy.

For now we're employed.

For now we're happy...

If not overjoyed.

And we'll accept the things we cannot avoid, for now...

For now...

For now...

For now...

But only for now! (For now)
Only for now! (For now)
Only for now! (For now)
Only for now!

Only for now!
(For now there's life!)
Only for now!
(For now there's love!)
Only for now!
(For now there's work!)
For now there's happiness!
But only for now!
(For now discomfort!)
Only for now!
(For now there's friendship!)
Only for now (For now!)
Only for now!

Only for now! (Sex!)
Is only for now! (Your hair!)
Is only for now! (George Bush!)
Is only for now!

Don't stress,
Let life roll off your backs
Except for death and paying taxes,
Everything in life is only for now!

Each time you smile...

...Only for now

It'll only last a while.

...Only for now

Life may be scary...

...Only for now
But it's only temporary

Ba-dum ba-dum
Ba-dum ba-dum
Ba dum ba-dum
Ba-da da da da
ba-da da-da da da-da
Ba-dum ba-da, ba-dum ba-da

Everything in life is only for now.
Oh I come from a land, from a faraway place,
Where the caravan camels roam.
Where they cut off your ear,
If they don't like your face.
It's barbaric, but hey, it's home


Das Haus von Luci - Lied für meine Feinde

Wär ich ein Hai ich hätt dich zerrissen
Hätt dich als Boa lebendig verdaut
Hätt dich als schwarze Witwe gebissen
Doch leider ist das als Mensch nicht erlaubt
Werde deinetwegen nicht ins Gefängnis gehn
Wo wir beide doch vor allem aus Wasser bestehn

Unten am Fluss ziehn die Leichen meiner Feinde
an mir vorüber
wir sehn uns wieder
Unten am Fluss ziehn die Leichen meiner Feinde
An mir vorbei
Ganz von allein im Laufe der Zeit

Denn das Leben schickt seltsamer weise
Alle Lügen jeden miesen Trick
Wieder zu dir zurück auf die Reise
Darum wünsch ich dir einfach viel Glück
Und lass dich mit einem Lächeln gehn
Ich freu mich schon sehr auf unser Wiedersehn

Unten am Fluss ziehn die Leichen meiner Feinde
an mir vorüber
wir sehn uns wieder
Unten am Fluss ziehn die Leichen meiner Feinde
An mir vorbei
Ganz von allein im Laufe der Zeit

Alles fließt
Nichts bleibt wie's ist
Millionen Flüsse, Millionen von Quellen
Ich schenk deinen Namen den Wellen

Unten am Fluss ziehn die Leichen meiner Feinde
an mir vorüber
wir sehn uns wieder
Unten am Fluss ziehn die Leichen meiner Feinde
An mir vorbei
Ganz von allein im Laufe der Zeit

Unten am Fluss ziehn die Leichen meiner Feinde
an mir vorüber
wir sehn uns wieder
Unten am Fluss ziehn die Leichen meiner Feinde
An mir vorbei
Ganz von allein im Laufe der Zeit


schüff heul sooooooo schön

Chicago - You're my Inspiration

You know our love was meant to be
The kind of love that lasts forever
And I want you here with me
From tonight until the end of time

You should know, everywhere I go
always on my mind, in my heart
In my soul

You're the meaning in my life
You're the inspiration
You bring feeling to my life
You're the inspiration
Wanna have you near me
I wanna have you hear me sayin'
No one needs you more than I need you

And I know, yes I know that it's plain to see
We're so in love when we're together
Now I know that I need you here with me
From tonight until the end of time

You should know, everywhere I go
Always on my mind,
you´re in my heart
In my soul



Die Fledermaus - Ich lade gern mir Gäste ein

Ich lade gern mir Gäste ein,
man lebt bei mir recht fein.
Man unterhält sich, wie man mag, likes
oft bis zum hellen Tag.
Zwar langweil' ich mich stets dabei,
was man auch treibt und spricht;
Indes, was mir als Wirt steht frei,
duld' ich bei Gästen nicht!

Und sehe ich, es ennuyiert(*)
sich jemand hier bei mir,
so pack' ich ihn ganz ungeniert,
werf' ihn hinaus zur Tür.
So pack' ich ihn ganz ungeniert,
werf' ihn hinaus zur Tür.
Und fragen Sie, ich bitte,
warum ich das denn tu'?
Warum ich das denn tu'?

'S ist mal bei mir so Sitte,
chacun à son gout!(**)
'S ist mal bei mir so Sitte,
chacun à son gout!(**)

Wenn ich mit andern sitz' beim Wein
und Flasch' um Flasche leer',
muss jeder mit mir durstig sein,
sonst werde grob ich sehr.
Und schenke Glas um Glas ich ein,
duld' ich nicht Widerspruch.
Nicht leiden kann ich's wenn sie schrein:
Ich will nicht, hab' genug!

Wer mir beim Trinken nicht pariert,
sich zieret wie ein Tropf,
dem werfe ich ganz ungeniert
die Flasche an den Kopf.
Dem werfe ich ganz ungeniert
die Flasche an den Kopf.
Und fragen Sie, ich bitte,
warum ich das denn tu'?
Warum ich das denn tu'?

'S ist mal bei mir so Sitte
chacun à son goût!(**)
'S ist mal bei mir so Sitte
chacun à son goût!(**)

(*) langweilt
(**) Jeder nach seinem Geschmack
Das Weltentor
Ein Rollenspiel-Server auf Basis von Neverwinter Nights II

Parat Flink - Schwarze Münze, Fürstenborn
Tibor "Tibby" Steinfeld - Lichtrichter, Weilersbach
Urk Frostfaust - Kommissar, Fürstenborn


Leave's Eyes

Senses Capture

Shadows in my room
Staring at me
Half open eyes
Not daring to see
My mouth is sealed
Not able to speak
This ray of moonlight
Glancing through me

Do I believe in wonders?
Do I believe in dreams?
Have I been touched by spirits
Finding me when I’m asleep
The melody of mermaids keeps me awake at night
The eyes of starlit heavens following me secretly

Senses capture
My senses capture me
The melody of mermaids keeps me awake at night
The eyes of starlit heavens following me secretly

Shadows on the wall moving towards me
Wide open windows closing by the wind
My palms are wet
Not able to move
The sound of voices humming in my ear

Do I believe in wonders?
Do I believe in dreams?
Have I been touched by spirits
Finding me when I’m asleep
The melody of mermaids keeps me awake at night
The eyes of starlit heavens following me secretly

Senses capture
My senses capture me
The melody of mermaids keeps me awake at night
The eyes of starlit heavens following me secretly

My senses capture me
My eyes fail to see
I smell the winter come and go
I hear the migrants leave
Emotions capture me
My mind stops to feel
My lips move without sense
I feel the words are on your way

Do I believe in wonders?
Do I believe in dreams?
Have I been touched by spirits
Finding me when I’m asleep
The melody of mermaids keeps me awake at night
The eyes of starlit heavens following me secretly

Senses capture
My senses capture me
The melody of mermaids keeps me awake at night
The eyes of starlit heavens following me secretly

Senses capture
My senses capture me
The melody of mermaids keeps me awake at night
The eyes of starlit heavens following me secretly
Sszirahc Ousst'tar
Astor Duor
Amir Anjou


Five for Fighting - Superman

I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naive
I'm just out to find
The better part of me

I'm more than a bird, I'm more than a plane
More than some pretty face beside a train
It’s not easy to be me

Wish that I could cry
Fall upon my knees
Find a way to lie
About a home I'll never see

It may sound absurd, but don't be naive
Even heroes have the right to bleed
I may be disturbed, but won’t you concede
Even heroes have the right to dream
It's not easy to be me

Up, up and away - away from me
It's all right - you can all sleep sound tonight
I'm not crazy- or anything

I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naive
Men weren’t meant to ride
With clouds between their knees

I'm only a man in a silly red sheet
Digging for kryptonite on this one way street
Only a man in a funny red sheet
Looking for special things inside of me
Inside of me
Inside me
Yeah, inside me
Inside of me

I'm only a man
In a funny red sheet
I’m only a man
Looking for a dream

I'm only a man
In a funny red sheet
And it's not easy, hmmm, hmmm, hmmm...

It's not easy to be me
Gwendolyn Lilienblatt: The Tenth Muse (Synchro: Yui Horie); Loss of Me FF9
Jeanne Boucherat: The Coquette (Synchro: Renée O'Connor); Eyes on me FF8
Araza'shasehnae: The Lady of Shalott (Synchro: Mira Furlan); Aerith's Theme FF7
Ranja: The Jungle Books (Synchro: Eliza Dushku); Cosmo Canyon FF7


absolut geiler Song

Breaking Benjamin - So Cold

Crowded streets are cleared away
One by One
Hollow heroes separate
As they run

You're so cold
Keep your hand in mine
Wise men wonder while
Strong men die


Show me how it ends it's alright
Show me how defenseless you really are
satisfied and empty inside
That's alright, let's give this another try

If you find your family, don't you cry
In this land of make-believe, dead and dry

You're so cold, but you feel alive
Lay your hand on me one last time

[Chorus x2]

It's alright [x9]
Tavanahal - der Fuchs, der Puma, das Kätzchen und ein Engel

Human Proteom Folding Project


Ich liebe sie..Ich bin verrückt nach ihren Songs!! Runde Haste the Day

American Love

Exchange beauty for the ashes
Given my heart to nothing real
I've given myheart away
To so many things
So many times I've failed
Help me stop this endless cycle
Remind me of how it can be

Take me back, I surrender all
Without you my heart is so broken
I never should have let you go
I never should have let you slip
Through my arms

As the sun sets tonight
I'll hold you with all that I am
I never should have let you go
Promise me you'll stay with me forever

Forgive me
For running so quickly to the outside

Long way down

Oh, here you are there's nothing left to say
You're not supposed to be that way
Did they push you out
Did they throw you away
Touch me now and I don't care
When you take me I'm not there
Almost human but I'll never be the same
Long way down I don't think I'll make it on my own
Long way down I don't want to live in here alone
Long way down I don't think I'll make it on my own
Never put you down I never pushed you away
You're not supposed to be that way
And anything you want there's nothing I could say
Is there anything to feel
Is it pain that makes you real
Cut me off before it kills me
Long way down I don't think I'll make it on my own
Long way down I don't want to live in here alone
Long way down I don't think I'll make it on my own
I never put you down I never pushed you away
Take another piece of me
Give my mind a new disease
And the black and white world never fades to gray
Long way down I don't think I'll make it on my own
Long way down I don't want to live in here alone
Long way down I don't think I'll make it on my own


Ich weiß nicht, obs schon jemand gepostet hat, aber letzte Woche war ich Konzert, war endgeil. Und das Lied ist der Hammer schlechthin:


Come ride with me
Through the veins of history
I'll show you how god
Falls asleep on the job

And how can we win
When fools can be kings
Don't waste your time
Or time will waste you

No one's gonna take me alive
The time has come to make things right
You and I must fight for our rights
You and I must fight to survive

No one's gonna take me alive
The time has come to make things right
You and I must fight for our rights
You and I must fight to survive

No one's gonna take me alive
The time has come to make things right
You and I must fight for our rights
You and I must fight to survive


Gwendolyn's Creek-Soundtrack presents:

Bette Midler - The Rose

Some say love it is a river
that drowns the tender reed
Some say love it is a razer
that leaves your soul to bleed
Some say love it is a hunger
an endless aching need
I say love it is a flower
and you it's only seed

It's the heart afraid of breaking
that never learns to dance
It's the dream afraid of waking
that never takes the chance
It's the one who won't be taken
who cannot seem to give
and the soul afraid of dying
that never learns to live

When the night has been too lonely
and the road has been too long
and you think that love is only
for the lucky and the strong
Just remember in the winter
far beneath the bitter snows
lies the seed
that with the sun's love
in the spring
becomes the rose
Gwendolyn Lilienblatt: The Tenth Muse (Synchro: Yui Horie); Loss of Me FF9
Jeanne Boucherat: The Coquette (Synchro: Renée O'Connor); Eyes on me FF8
Araza'shasehnae: The Lady of Shalott (Synchro: Mira Furlan); Aerith's Theme FF7
Ranja: The Jungle Books (Synchro: Eliza Dushku); Cosmo Canyon FF7


@Jama: Saucoole Wahl :-)

Bette Middler - From A Distance

From a distance the world looks blue and green,
and the snow-capped mountains white.
From a distance the ocean meets the stream,
and the eagle takes to flight.

From a distance, there is harmony,
and it echoes through the land.
It's the voice of hope, it's the voice of peace,
it's the voice of every man.

From a distance we all have enough,
and no one is in need.
And there are no guns, no bombs, and no disease,
no hungry mouths to feed.

From a distance we are instruments
marching in a common band.
Playing songs of hope, playing songs of peace.
They're the songs of every man.
God is watching us. God is watching us.
God is watching us from a distance.

From a distance you look like my friend,
even though we are at war.
From a distance I just cannot comprehend
what all this fighting is for.

From a distance there is harmony,
and it echoes through the land.
And it's the hope of hopes, it's the love of loves,
it's the heart of every man.

It's the hope of hopes, it's the love of loves.
This is the song of every man.
And God is watching us, God is watching us,
God is watching us from a distance.
Oh, God is watching us, God is watching.
God is watching us from a distance.
Das Weltentor
Ein Rollenspiel-Server auf Basis von Neverwinter Nights II

Parat Flink - Schwarze Münze, Fürstenborn
Tibor "Tibby" Steinfeld - Lichtrichter, Weilersbach
Urk Frostfaust - Kommissar, Fürstenborn


Barbra Streisand - With One Look

They don't want me anymore.
They all say I'm threw.
while it's time they knew.

With one look , I can break your heart
With one look , I play every part
I can make your sad heart sing
With one look you'll know - all you need to know

With one smile, I'm the girl next door
All the love that you've hungered for
When I speak is with my soul  -  I can play any role

No words can tell  the stories my eyes tell
Watch me when I frown , you can't write that down .
You know I'm right, it's there in black and white.
When I look your way, you'll hear what I say

Yes,  with one look  - I put words to shame
Just one look sets the screen aflame
Silent music starts to play
One tear from my eye makes the whole world cry
With one look, they'll forgive the past .
They'll rejoice I returned at last
To my people in the dark
Still out there in the dark

Silent music starts to play
With one look you'll know all you need to know
With one look, I'll ignite the blaze
I'll return to my glory days

They'll say, "Norma's back at last!"
This time I'm staying
I'm staying for good
I'll be back where I was born to be
With one look - I'll be me
Das Weltentor
Ein Rollenspiel-Server auf Basis von Neverwinter Nights II

Parat Flink - Schwarze Münze, Fürstenborn
Tibor "Tibby" Steinfeld - Lichtrichter, Weilersbach
Urk Frostfaust - Kommissar, Fürstenborn


Mein "Weihnachtsgruß" in musikalischer Form, bevor ich mich dann auf ins Schwabenländle mache; sogar von Gwendolyn gesungen (na gut, nur von "ihrer" Synchronsprecherin *hüstel*):

Yukari Tamura & Yui Horie - Koi no Tenshi Mai Orite

Koi no tenshi mai orite
Seikimatsu no mahou wo kaketa yo
Seinaru yoru kono omoi wo
uchiaketara kitto kanau Holy Night

The angels of love are descending to earth
they have cast a spell on this century's end on us
On this winter night if you profess your love,
it will be granted on this Holy Night.

Kirameku machi ni Kyaroru wa hibiku
Akogarete ita eiga mirai ne
konna ni mune ga tokimeku no wa
nee doushite?

You can hear the carols echoing through the shining town
just like the movies I used to see
my heart pounds with excitement
but why is it?

Shizuka ni tsumoru kona yuki no Eve
Anata wa kitto kite kureru yo ne
Miageru kurai ookina ookina tsurigi no shita

On this Christmas Eve with powdery snow falling
you'll come to me, won't you
under this tree that's so tall that I have to arch my back to see the top

Zutto shinjite ita kono hi ga kuru to
Yatto me ni atta taisetsuna koi dakara

I've had faith all along that this day would arrive
because this is the love I've finally come across

Kyandoru no hono wo yurete jingle beru
hibi ite kuru yoru
Yuki dashite kono omoi wo
uchiagetara kitto kanau Special Night
Eien ni naru For You

The fire from the candle flickers
"jingle bells" echoes through the night
If you take courage, and say your thoughts
it will be granted on this Special Night
it will be forever for you

Uwasa wa kitto hontou wa na[ru] no ne
Kotoshi no Eve wa tokubetsu dakara
Omoikitte kokuhaku shitara
kanau tte

rumours come true
because this christmas eve is special
if you say your feelings to him/her
it will come true

Mirai no yume wo katari au tabi
kotoba wa shiroi toiki ni natte
Kurai yozora ni suiko umarete
hoshi ni kawaru yo~

Each time we talk about our dreams for the future
words turn white, then
they get sucked into the dark night
and they will turn into stars

Zutto mimi wo tore sasayaku kara ne
Zettai warawanaide kono kimochi

i'll whisper it into your ear
Please don't laugh at my feelings
please take it

Koi no tenshi mai orite
Seikimatsu no mahou wo kaketa yo
Seinaru yoru chikai au
ai no kotoba kitto kanau Silent Night
Eien ni naru for You

The angels of love are descending to earth
they have cast a spell on this century's end on us
this Holy Night, I promise
your love will be granted on this Silent Night
it will be forever for you

Yatto me ni atta taisetsuna koi dakara

because I finally found my precious love

Kyandoru no hono wo yurete jingle beru
hibi ite kuru yoru
Yuki dashite kono omoi wo
uchiagetara kitto kanau Special Night

The flame on the candle flickers
"Jingle bells" echoes through the night
if you take courage and say your thoughts
it will be granted on this Special Night

Koi no tenshi mai orite
Seikimatsu no mahou wo kaketa yo
Seinaru yoru kono omoi wo
uchiaketara kitto kanau Holy Night

The angels of love are descending to earth
they have cast a spell on this century's end on us
On this winter night, if you profess your love              
it will be granted on this Special Night

Eien ni naru

For You
Gwendolyn Lilienblatt: The Tenth Muse (Synchro: Yui Horie); Loss of Me FF9
Jeanne Boucherat: The Coquette (Synchro: Renée O'Connor); Eyes on me FF8
Araza'shasehnae: The Lady of Shalott (Synchro: Mira Furlan); Aerith's Theme FF7
Ranja: The Jungle Books (Synchro: Eliza Dushku); Cosmo Canyon FF7


Schade, daß die meisten Musikstücke, die ich höre, keinen Text haben... daher einfach nur den Titel des Stückes, das mir beim Aufstehen durch den Kopf ging und nun in meinem CD Spieler liegt:

Dvořák - Sinfonie Nr. 9 e-moll "Aus der der neuen Welt", 1. Satz

Kann ich nur Jedem empfehlen.. selbst denen, die weniger was mit Klassik anfangen können, aber sich doch auch mal auf Filmmusik einlassen können (zB. Zimmer, wenn natürlich weniger gewaltig und mit weniger modernen Instrumenten ;)) - dieser und der 4te Satz sind einfach eindrucksvoll.
Oh I come from a land, from a faraway place,
Where the caravan camels roam.
Where they cut off your ear,
If they don't like your face.
It's barbaric, but hey, it's home


Weg nach unten

Zeig mir den Weg nach unten

Unter den Gräsern
Nähre ich mich von Dunkelheit
Viele Tage schon
Besessen und furchtlos
Kleine Welt
Die ich ertasten kann
Ab und zu
Find ich Kupfererz
Diamanten und Granit
Doch es siegt
Jener Teil in mir
Der mich immer weiter zieht

Zeig mir den Weg nach unten
Ich hasse den Tag
Ich hasse das Licht
Zeig mir den Weg ins Dunkle
Wo Einsamkeit herrscht
Kein Spiegel für mein Gesicht

Wohlige Kälte
Lindert das Fieber tief in mir
Feuchter Erdgeruch
Ich höre mein Graben
Die Substanz
Des Bodens ändert sich
Bin ich schon
Durch den Mittelpunkt ?
Kein Gefühl für Raum und Zeit
Dann kommt Licht
Und ein Känguruh
Und ich weiß, ich bin zu weit

Zeig mir den Weg nach unten
Ich hasse den Tag
Ich hasse das Licht
Zeig mir den Weg ins Dunkle
Wo Einsamkeit herrscht
Kein Spiegel für mein Gesicht
Sszirahc Ousst'tar
Astor Duor
Amir Anjou